

The company Dynamic Kote Lubricants PC is active in the Blending, packaging and wholesale trade of lubricating oils

Quality in the company is considered the provision of products to its customers that fully meet their requirements.

The commitments and philosophy of the entrepreneur are the immediate satisfaction of the customer to the maximum extent, the continuous improvement of skills and abilities of himself and his employees, the prudent use of resources and the timely handling of any problems.

In the context of achieving the above objectives, the company has adopted a Quality Management System (QMS) for Quality in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015, which it applies to all activities that have an impact on the quality of its services, as well as on the satisfaction of its customers.

It constantly reviews and improves the characteristics of its services, where possible, as well as the effectiveness of its Processes and consequently of the entire QMS.

It sets measurable objectives for quality at business, process and product level.

It draws up an action plan to deal with emergencies.

It ensures the necessary resources for its smooth and effective operation, without wasting them.

Invests in continuous training, information and education in order to promote Quality

Monitors, measures and evaluates critical parameters and processes to ensure quality.

Adopting the principle of continuous improvement, the company recognizes and rewards teamwork as well as individual effort, invests in people and respects the customer.


The entrepreneur

Dynamic Kote Lubricants PC accompanies its products with certificates of the quality management system according to the international standards ISO 9001: 2015 Blending, Packaging and Wholesale Lubricants Oil ensures its continuous certification with the validity of Theo Dynamics LTD Inspections

Code IAF/ EA: 12, 29

Certificate Number: Gr-01-QMS-405 Date Date of issue: 09/11/2023

Initial Certification Date: 09/11/2023 Date of expiry: 08/11/2026

All products meet the specifications of the internationally valid organizations that control lubricants.

The American Petroleum Institute (API), the Association des Constructeurs European d’ Automobiles (ACEA), the International Standards Organization (ISO), (JASO) and the largest car manufacturers Volkswagen – VW, Mersedes Benz – MB, BMW, PEUGEOT etc.A

The reliability and performance of our lubricants… come after… Because first, you trust us!

Dynamic Kote Lubricants!
Production and distribution of lubricants
with a wide range of applications in the automotive, agriculture,
energy, transport, construction, shipping!
The technological superiority of our products and the continuous research to improve our services;
They have given us the competitive advantage, for every use!

Dynamic Kote Lubricants PC!